Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, yesterday was our Homeschool Valentines Party at the Skating Rink. Ryan and Justin went immediately to get their skates, while I put the valentines and candy in the big bins with all the others. By the time I got Madison's skates on her, the boys were ready to skate. I see Ryan zip past me wearing rollerblades. This was the first time he tried those and he looked like a pro. He definitely didn't get that skill from me. I tried rollerblades once when I was in my late twenties. I've blocked much of that traumatic event, but seem to recall clinging for dear life to a street sign pole at the corner of Kingwood Drive and West Lake Houston, quite sure that at any moment, I was going to roll out into traffic. That was the end of my very short career as a rollerblader.

How easy it is sometimes to give up on something because it seems too hard or too scary. But sometimes, we just need to trust God and know that even in the fear and difficulty, He is there with us. Where in my life do I need to "let go of the street sign" and "skate" with God?

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