Friday, February 11, 2011

Being Prepared

I absolutely love reading Proverbs 31. The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of what God wants me to strive for as a wife and mom. Isn't it nice to have a guide, right in front of us, to help us along the way!

One verse was highlighted for me last week in the midst of the "winter storm". We were getting ready for some ice and snow. I'm NOT a fan of cold weather and will do whatever I can to not have to go out in it. So as soon as I saw the forecast, I made a grocery list for the rest of the week. I did not want to have to go out for anything. Typically, I have trouble thinking ahead past that day's meals, but in my desire to not have to go out, I made myself plan our meals. What a joy it was to know that I had everything we would need, and that me and my precious children could stay in for those few days. The verse that comes to mind is Proverbs 31: 21 She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her her household are clothed in scarlet.
I know it doesn't specifically talk about having the needed supplies for meals, but it spoke to me just the same. I wasn't afraid of the weather coming in because I was prepared. Verse 25 says: and she laughs at the the time to come. I was able to sit back, watch the weather forecast, and be content and at peace.

So that made me think, "Why don't I do this all the time?". What would life be like if I planned my meals and did one grocery shopping trip a week, on a planned day? How would it feel to wake up each morning, knowing that I had what we needed for the day, and that I wasn't going to be running to the store? (Or McDonalds!) So, now my goal is to write that meal plan and plan my grocery shopping, right down to every Capri Sun and bag of chips we will need.

I've been reading a book by Kim Brenneman called Large Family Logistics, The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family. My family is not considered large, but this book will speak to women with all sizes of families, from 2 kids to 20! Check it out if you get a chance!

1 comment:

StacyA said...

Go Donna go!!!! Ijust want to cheer you on in your meal planning!!!