Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Okay, I think I have finally figured this picture posting stuff out, hopefully it works this time.  :)

Have a great day!

Merry CHRISTmas Eve!

Okay, so we ordered a dollhouse for Madison, it is now sitting in the UPS place, and has been there since yesterday evening.  I keep checking for that very hopeful statement on the tracking information:  "out for delivery".   Looks like I will be picking up a back-up just in case today.  Thankfully she is very easy to buy for and will love whatever she gets.

I made cake balls last night, yes I am turning into a Christmas baker!  They turned out really good.   Today the boys will make the birthday cake for Jesus that we will enjoy tomorrow.  

I read a verse in Luke today that I just love - Luke 1:45  Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.  
That is Elizabeth speaking to Mary just after Mary found out she  was carrying God's son.  
May I spend more time listening to God and actually hearing what He has planned for me!

I am going to attempt to post a picture.  If it works, it is a picture of Ryan and Justin in the snow we had a couple of weeks ago.   If not, draw a picture of a snowman and two excited boys! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

For those who want to read the story of Mary and Martha, it is found in Luke 10: 38-42 in your Bible.  Check it out and pray about how you can choose what is better.  :)
Yikes, I can't believe it has been so long since I posted!  I can do better than that, I will make a point of posting more!

Well, I had my first homemade bread making  experience yesterday.  My wonderful hubby bought me  a stand mixer for Christmas, and let me have it early.  I got a great recipe from another homeschool mom.  It was alot easier than I  thought it would be.  Justin had to be my secretary and answer the phone at some points when my hands were covered in dough, but he stepped up and helped out.

We still have a few things to buy for Christmas, as usual, I never seem to finish before Christmas Eve.  But as I continue working on our Christmas preparations, foremost in my mind is the preparations made so long ago for Jesus to be born.  What an incredible leap of faith for Mary to trust in God.   Joseph stayed by her side, and trusted as well.  I wonder how I can be more trusting of God, even when things don't make sense and are even scary?  

Today will be more cleaning, cooking and preparing  the house for Christmas, but I will also be looking for ways to prepare my heart as well.  May I not get so caught up in the "Martha" aspect of Christmas and find the "Mary" in me that will look for what is better.

Have a great day!  :)