Monday, March 7, 2011

We've had a busy couple of weeks here. With three kids and all their activities, we find ourselves on the go quite a bit.

The Children's Choir performed their musical last night. Madison had her first speaking role with her preschool choir and did great! Justin turned in an awesome performance. Ryan worked with the Tech Crew and seems to be following in his father's footsteps.

Several weeks ago, Madison decided to make it "snow" inside, using the little white bead from inside a stuffed animal. (The kind that you can win at a carnival). I have been sweeping and vacuuming, and just when I think I have it all, more shows up. The stuffed animal is long gone, one of the boys threw it out for me. So why do I keep finding these things? I feel sure that they will be around for a long time, and should I ever decide to move my china cabinet, there will be some there as well. But I just want to be finished with it! I find myself like that spiritually as well. I think I need to be "finished", be the "perfect Christian", when in reality, that isn't possible, at least not on this side. There will always be something that needs to be done, something for me to work on, and area in my life where God will say "Okay, Donna, let's deal with this one now". So I will continue to clean the beads, physically and spiritually, as I work towards that goal that God has laid out for me.

This week will bring Science Classes at the Museum, Chess Club, Bowling, Super Friday and Church. I'm excited to see what God has planned for us!

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