Thursday, April 14, 2011


Update on the kids:

Ryan attended his first dance last week. He learned Square Dancing and Line Dancing. I fully expected him to go and visit with friends and not dance, but with some encouragement from a friend, he got out there with the rest of the kids and had a great time. I was so excited to see him join in on the fun! Watching him, I realized just how much he is growing up. Seems like just yesterday, he was learning to walk. What a joy and a privilege to watch him grow and be his Mom!

Justin is in our Passion Project at church this year. I am enjoying watching the rehearsals and listening to the practice CD, I think I know the songs almost as well as the cast! He is a natural performer and loves to be on the stage. I'm so glad he is using this gift to share God's love with others.

Madison is busy being 4. She is going through a stage where she is very particular about what she wears. This must be a girl thing, because my boys have always just worn whatever I lay out for them. But she will see her clothes laid out and immediately let me know if it is not what she wants to wear. The down side to this, is her choice in clothes is very unique: a shirt, skirt and jumper all at the same time.

As I look at my kids, I'm amazed at their individuality. As babies, most kids are a lot alike, they eat, sleep, play, etc. But as I'm watching my kids grow up, I love the fact that I can see their individual personalities and what makes them unique. They are not just little clones of myself or Johnny, but a great combination of not only us, but our families as well.

God has given me these children to raise, He gave them specifically to myself and Johnny. I'm the mom He wants as their mom. It is no accident that I got these particular children, there is a purpose in everything God does. So, do I embrace that, with the good and the challenging? Of course I do! Even on those days when Madison is digging in her feet about what to wear, or Ryan and Justin are arguing over the computer. Even on those days that Ryan is so focused on something other than school work. Even when Justin is tired at night and nothing is going right for him. For whatever reason, God feels like even during those times, I'm the mom for them. Maybe it is to build character in me, teach me something. Maybe I need to look at my relationship with God, and see where I'm not being obedient to His call on my life.

But I also get the good, which so outweighs the challenging. I get the hugs and kisses. I get the "I love you, Mom", I get the one on one conversations with each of them. I get the joy of teaching them to read and watching them learn. I get the laughter around the table. I get to here the singing that seems to go on here so much. I get to hear them pray and watch as they grow in their relationship with God.

Proverbs 31:28 says - Her children arise and call her blessed.

I am blessed, beyond measure!

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