Saturday, May 14, 2011


My sister, Brenda passed away May 12, 2011 after a long battle with Breast Cancer. As I sit here making funeral plans and looking through photos, I'm reminded of just how special the sister relationship is. I can't speak to brother/brother or brother/sister relationships. But my sister and I have a bond that will last for eternity. She and I could look at each other across a room and know exactly what the other was thinking. We would laugh hysterically at jokes that nobody else found funny. I could call her and just give her a movie line, and she would immediately say "What channel". We could relate just about every experience to a Friends episode. And I was with her on her most important journey, the one to Jesus. I sat and held her hand all afternoon and evening until she took her final breath. And I don't think a bond can get any stronger than that.

Dance with Jesus, Brenda!

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