Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas Eve!

Okay, so we ordered a dollhouse for Madison, it is now sitting in the UPS place, and has been there since yesterday evening.  I keep checking for that very hopeful statement on the tracking information:  "out for delivery".   Looks like I will be picking up a back-up just in case today.  Thankfully she is very easy to buy for and will love whatever she gets.

I made cake balls last night, yes I am turning into a Christmas baker!  They turned out really good.   Today the boys will make the birthday cake for Jesus that we will enjoy tomorrow.  

I read a verse in Luke today that I just love - Luke 1:45  Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.  
That is Elizabeth speaking to Mary just after Mary found out she  was carrying God's son.  
May I spend more time listening to God and actually hearing what He has planned for me!

I am going to attempt to post a picture.  If it works, it is a picture of Ryan and Justin in the snow we had a couple of weeks ago.   If not, draw a picture of a snowman and two excited boys! :)

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