Saturday, May 19, 2012
Swim Season Has Begun!
Yes, another season of daily practices and early morning Saturday meets! This year, Justin is my only swimmer, Ryan decided not to join, and Madison is still in the playing in the pool stage, not quite ready to swim. But Justin is loving it! He never met a sport that he didn't like. We were remembering his days of soccer when he was 3. He spent most of his time in the opposing team's goal, talking to their goalie and coach. I never knew what he was saying, but the coaches were always smiling. That is my Justin, along with the competition, he loves being with people.
Anyway, back to swimming. Last week was the Time Trials, where we are just swimming with our own team in order to establish times for the first meet. Justin did well, and established some good times. But wow, this week he really turned it on, I saw improvement in all his times. Because this week was for real, it was real competition between swimmers, not just getting a time. I could see him striving to do his best, to give it all.
I was then struck with the realization, that sometimes, I treat life as a "Time Trial", just going along, not giving it all I have, instead of striving to do my very best. But what if I treated everyday as a day to go that extra mile, to a little bit more, make more of an effort, to choose what is not just better, but what is best? Yes, it is a lot more work. It would be so easy to coast along everyday. But, at the end of the day, do I want to look back and realize that I did just enough to get by? No, I want to look back and see that I pushed past what I thought I could do, and achieved more than I thought possible. Justin can do that in swimming by going to practice, listening to the coaches, etc. I have a Coach as well, and I can meet Him each morning before I start my day, and He is with me through everything I do, everywhere I go. Just as Justin's coaches encourage him, teach him and even get him back on track when he gets distracted, so does my Coach! I'm so glad I'm on God's Team!
Monday, May 14, 2012
One Year...
It's been one year since I sat with my sister, Brenda, as she went to be with Jesus. I've heard that the first year is the hardest. Does that mean that eventually, I'll be able to think of my sister without that feeling that my lungs are being squeezed so tight that I can't breathe? Will I be able to watch my children sing, swim, play football, etc. without that overbearing sadness that threatens to move me to tears as think of how much she would have enjoyed it as well? May 12, 2011 marks a day where my life changed forever, a "new normal" was born, and that "new normal" is far from normal still.
But God...
God gave me gifts this weekend to help me through it all. He gave me "busyness" on Saturday with Justin's swim meet, and preparing for Mother's Day, and an overnight visit from a dear friend. He gave me a husband who insisted that I go to breakfast with that friend on Mother's Day, while he helped our kids get breakfast and ready for church. He gave me a sweet moment where my Justin sang in big church, while Johnny, Ryan and Madison were sitting with me. He scheduled my time so well that morning, that instead of Madison being in her class while Justin sang, she sat with me, as I had just enough time to get seated before the service began. What a sweet moment to share with my husband and children. After Justin sang, I took Madison to her class and they were on the playground, her favorite place, so she went happily to play instead of hanging on my skirt crying like she sometimes does. After church, we went to lunch with my parents, and I was able to surprise my mom with a Bible she had wanted. After lunch, I got my much loved nap, all afternoon! Ryan fixed dinner last night, and then Johnny and I settled in front of the TV.
It is hard to talk about Brenda, writing is so much easier. I can't seem to make the thoughts in my head make it to my lips, can't bring myself to say the words. Know that if I start, I likely won't make it through a sentence. And that is scary, like so much of the past couple of years.
But God...
He gives me friends who pray, who encourage, etc. Friends who hug, who offer to come watch my kids, who check in with me by text just so I know they are there and thinking of me and praying for me.
He gives me children, who can make me smile and laugh, and tell me they love me, at just the right time.
He gives me a husband, who has been so strong for me, when I've been at the breaking point.
But God...
So thankful for His grace and the work He does in my life!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Memorizing Scripture
The message at my church yesterday was about memorizing scripture. I've always thought that you memorize scripture, so you can have something to help you or a friend or family member through a tough time, for encouragement. I always looked for verses that spoke to a particular issue I was having and worked on memorizing it so I would have something to call to mind when I needed that extra boost. But I also now realize, that sometimes it isn't just a certain scripture that is needed, it is just scripture. Anything that can take my mind out of that downward spiral of defeat: my school day with my children didn't go well, my house is a mess, I argued with Johnny - all of those have the potential to take my mind off of God and place it on myself. But what if my mind was filled with scripture, any scripture, that would take my thoughts off of myself, and put them back on God? I realized that sometimes, in my desire to find the "perfect" scripture, I forget that ALL scripture is useful: 2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
2 Timothy 3:15-17
So even if I don't have something that speaks to my issue at the moment, there is much to be gained by being able to recall God's Word, if only to get my mind back on that which is most important: God! So yes, it is important to have those specific scriptures that will speak encouragement into my life and the lives of others. But I must not get discouraged when what I consider the "right" verse doesn't come to mind, if I've been diligent in reading and memorizing God's word, whatever He brings to mind will be a blessing!
Friday, May 4, 2012
My Own Backyard
One of my favorite movies from my childhood is The Wizard of Oz. At the end of the movie, Dorothy proclaims that when she is looking for something, she won't go farther than her own backyard. That line has come to me recently as I see my friends and groups from my church going on Mission Trips. Some of these are within the state of Texas, some are in the United States, and some are even in other countries. They do VBS, Sports Camps, Eye Clinics, Music Ministry, and Women's Ministry, just to name a few. But all of these have one common goal: To share the gospel with others.
As I look at all these opportunities, I can easily get discouraged, feeling that I can't make an impact for Christ if I'm not doing these trips. But what God has shown me, is that I can do things for Him even in my own home and community. My mission field can be my church, my homeschooling community, my parents, and, most importantly, my husband and children. My season in life has me at home, with my family, and that is okay. My church gives me the opportunity to work with preschoolers and their families on Sunday mornings, help with Vacation Bible School and Creative Arts Camp. I am blessed to have my parents living close, so I am available to help them, as they have done for me so often. And my home: I can create a home that welcomes God, teach my children about the Gospel and watch them grow in their faith. They can see me living out my faith as I work in my home, caring for them and Johnny. So many opportunities right here in my own backyard!
God has a place for everyone: some will travel far to reach others for Christ, and I'm so blessed to have those people in my life, to hear their stories, they are such an encouragement to me. And maybe, someday, I might be alongside them on one of those trips. Or maybe I won't, maybe my children will one day, maybe I'm building that foundation in them, so one day, they can go share with others.
So, wherever God has you, take advantage of every opportunity to encourage someone in the relationship with Christ!
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