Well, weekend before last, we got the sad news that Johnny's grandfather had passed away. We traveled to Mississippi for the funeral. Looking around at the funeral home, I was struck with just what a legacy this man leaves. The place was full of his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. I don't think I've seen that many little ones at a funeral before. As I was helping my own children navigate the process, I found myself watching them closely. My Ryan, age 11, quietly moved about the crowd, talking to those he knew. I see him working in a church, behind the scenes, doing techwork like his daddy when he is older. Justin, age 9, spent as much time up at the casket as he could, even talking to "Paw". (He told me that Paw told him he loved him). He also talked to just about everyone there, always friendly and social. When he grows up, I see him either leading the praise and worship at church, or delivering the message from the pulpit. (Or both!). And my Madison, age 4. This was her first experience with a funeral, and, as with all my children, I explained before hand about death and what happens when someone dies. She then proceeded to very loudly repeat all of this throughout the visitation time before the funeral. Not sure what to expect from her in the future!
After the service, we gathered together at Paw and Nanny's house for a wonderful meal prepared by their church. It was so nice to see the kids all playing together, swinging, throwing the football and petting the amazingly patient dogs in the backyard. I moved through the buffet line, taking samples of all they yummy food. One casserole in particular really got my attention, and I went back for a second helping. I always wish the recipe cards were placed with the dishes, so I could grab them from my favorites. There is always something that stands out for me in those cases. I ended up tracking down the lady who had made it, and she told me how to get the recipe. Isn't life like that sometimes with people as well? I can be with a group of people and one will just stand out, I won't be able to put my finger on it, they just seem different, but I want to know more! As I learn more about this person, I find out about their Christian walk, and see that the "secret" behind their life, their peace, their radiance, their security, is Christ. We don't have recipe cards that come with us, but we can be ready to share what a difference Christ has made in our lives. What can we do today that will stand out in a crowd and cause others to want to know more about Christ? How are we sharing the Gospel just by our actions?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A Cheerful Heart
We are taking a break from school this week, it is so nice to have some downtime! Part of this week will be spent catching up on some housework. Sometimes I find myself grumbling and complaining when it comes to that part of life, and then this scripture comes to mind:
Philippians 2:14-15 (New International Version, ©2011)
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[a] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Not only do I want to shine, I want my children to shine. But when I see them complaining, I have to look at myself and wonder what do they see in me. Do they see a mom who is cheerfully going about the work God has given her, or are they seeing someone grumbling and complaining through it? Even if I don't say a word, can they tell by my countenance how I'm really feeling?
Proverbs 4:23 (New International Version, ©2011)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
By filling my head with God's truth, and letting that flow into my heart, what overflows to my children will be much sweeter than anything I could try and muster up on my own.
Philippians 2:14-15 (New International Version, ©2011)
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[a] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Not only do I want to shine, I want my children to shine. But when I see them complaining, I have to look at myself and wonder what do they see in me. Do they see a mom who is cheerfully going about the work God has given her, or are they seeing someone grumbling and complaining through it? Even if I don't say a word, can they tell by my countenance how I'm really feeling?
Proverbs 4:23 (New International Version, ©2011)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
By filling my head with God's truth, and letting that flow into my heart, what overflows to my children will be much sweeter than anything I could try and muster up on my own.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Well, the time has come to plan for our next homeschool year. A couple of big "firsts" - Ryan will be in 6th grade, so the start of "Middle School" and little Madison will be starting Kindergarten! I'm re-evaluating our curriculum for Ryan and Justin (4th grade next year), and deciding on Madison's. She has been doing some fun preschool workbooks this year. So, what I'm deciding from now is: Abeka (which we did use several years ago), Rod and Staff (Madison's preschool workbooks this year) and Alpha Omega Life Pacs. Decisions, decisions! I can make a case for each, but making the final decision is so hard. I will think I have my mind made up, and then a catalog for one of the other two will show up in my mailbox. So, what to do? Thankfully, I know the One to ask! As in all things, I will take it to God, and He will direct my path.
Monday, March 7, 2011
We've had a busy couple of weeks here. With three kids and all their activities, we find ourselves on the go quite a bit.
The Children's Choir performed their musical last night. Madison had her first speaking role with her preschool choir and did great! Justin turned in an awesome performance. Ryan worked with the Tech Crew and seems to be following in his father's footsteps.
Several weeks ago, Madison decided to make it "snow" inside, using the little white bead from inside a stuffed animal. (The kind that you can win at a carnival). I have been sweeping and vacuuming, and just when I think I have it all, more shows up. The stuffed animal is long gone, one of the boys threw it out for me. So why do I keep finding these things? I feel sure that they will be around for a long time, and should I ever decide to move my china cabinet, there will be some there as well. But I just want to be finished with it! I find myself like that spiritually as well. I think I need to be "finished", be the "perfect Christian", when in reality, that isn't possible, at least not on this side. There will always be something that needs to be done, something for me to work on, and area in my life where God will say "Okay, Donna, let's deal with this one now". So I will continue to clean the beads, physically and spiritually, as I work towards that goal that God has laid out for me.
This week will bring Science Classes at the Museum, Chess Club, Bowling, Super Friday and Church. I'm excited to see what God has planned for us!
The Children's Choir performed their musical last night. Madison had her first speaking role with her preschool choir and did great! Justin turned in an awesome performance. Ryan worked with the Tech Crew and seems to be following in his father's footsteps.
Several weeks ago, Madison decided to make it "snow" inside, using the little white bead from inside a stuffed animal. (The kind that you can win at a carnival). I have been sweeping and vacuuming, and just when I think I have it all, more shows up. The stuffed animal is long gone, one of the boys threw it out for me. So why do I keep finding these things? I feel sure that they will be around for a long time, and should I ever decide to move my china cabinet, there will be some there as well. But I just want to be finished with it! I find myself like that spiritually as well. I think I need to be "finished", be the "perfect Christian", when in reality, that isn't possible, at least not on this side. There will always be something that needs to be done, something for me to work on, and area in my life where God will say "Okay, Donna, let's deal with this one now". So I will continue to clean the beads, physically and spiritually, as I work towards that goal that God has laid out for me.
This week will bring Science Classes at the Museum, Chess Club, Bowling, Super Friday and Church. I'm excited to see what God has planned for us!
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